Friday, December 12, 2008

living the dream

today was the end of a 2.5 year relationship... actually, if you include when things first started, more like 7.5

my working relationship with RUF is done. for those of you who don't know, RUF is the company i've been working for for a while now, and i was involved in RUF while i was in college.

i have been living under the poverty line working for RUF. and RUF is the reason i was transplanted to central PA. lots of things about RUF are NOT glamorous; and, jokingly, my co-workers and i referred to the internship with RUF as "living the dream."

honestly, though, it was a dream. for 2.5 years i have had the priveledge of serving a college campus and involving myself in the lives of women at penn state. i had everything i needed, was pastored and cared for, and grew into being a more Godly woman than i had been.

it's sad to leave, but i know that the relationships are not done... they will just look different than before.

sorry this was so serious... just watch that youtube again for a laugh and pump your hands in the air a little bit

1 comment:

Rachel said...

i miss you already... :(